As you can see, there are thousands of mobile  application released on everyday. Many of them required proper testing according to standard, and the requirement of man power to test application and leave appropriate review on application.  And this is the opportunity online to settle your career with good remuneration or you can work from home.This is the fantastic idea that check mobile application, give your best review to application and you can earn handsome money, this is beautiful opportunity what i am giving you.

Let me explain in details

Basic knowledge

It’s very interesting that you don’t need any specific knowledge about mobile application programming, but you should be aware that particular application will be use by it’s potential customers. In that case, your review and description is important to end users.

You should have keen interest to application testing and after checking you have to give your best reviews.


There is not any eligibility criteria for application testing. You should need to know about particular application utilities first then criticize inspection.

It will automatically boost your review for particular application. You will justice with app users well.

What tools you need to test?

There is no any big investment to test application and make money. You just need only one device either smartphone or tablet with internet connection. Where you can install application, check application and post your review on google play store.

How you can grab this opportunity?

To test application and earn, you must register on below link first then grab this opportunity. You must take care of what you test, not only testing purpose even you must give your review of application.

After join this opportunity, you will accomplish your task in following 3 steps-

1. Choose An App To Test

Choose an app from our app review database and test it on your phone or tablet. Company will provide you a special link to the apps which you have to test. Means, you cannot just download any app from the PlayStore, as you will be provided special links to test every app and those links will be provided by company itself.

An important thing to notice is that it does not charge extra from you once you start writing your reviews. With $27 you are getting access to simply sit at your home and test apps on your tablet and smartphone and make money

2. Write Your Review

Write your honest review of the app on your app review website.

3. Get Paid!

The more apps you test and the more reviews you write, the more money you make!



There is no limit to the number of apps you can use and therefore no limit on how much you can earn

-Comes with a 60 day money back guarantee

-You don’t have to advertise apps – you simply get paid for testing them and writing about your experience.

-Usage is pretty straightforward

-Instant access provided along with a user ID and login so that you can start earning right from the word go

-Easily accessible via smartphone or tablet devices


You cannot access it without an internet connection


A good and appreciated app always having good reviews, but it need to review after testing application is the another professional way to encourage application users. 

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