Career counseling or guidance includes a wide variety of professional activities which help people deal with career-related challenges. Career counselors work with adolescents seeking to explore career options, experienced professionals contemplating a career change, parents who want to return to the world of work after taking time to raise their child, or people seeking employment.

We likely cover these 5 topics to boost your job opportunity –

  • Develop your interest and passion
  • Your strengths and weaknesses (SWOT)
  • Action plan
  • Your CV is your face
  • Maintain you progress log file

A. Develop your interest and passion

At very first, you must be clear about what you want to achieve in your career. If you are going to start your career life, find your passion and interest first or if you are already in job, evaluate your current job and consider if this fits or if it’s time for a change.

What kind of job you chose should have long-term career goals.  Write down what you want to achieve in 3 years, 5 years, and 10 years time in your career. It will give you a direction that you want to go on your career path. Your long-term plan can help you set realistic short-term objectives. Only by achieving the short-term objectives can you reach your long-term career goals.

You now need to evaluate your current work by asking the following topics:

Am I having Job Satisfaction?

Is there something specific, I can’t ignore to make me satisfy with my job?

Am I achieving my goals in time frame?

Is there any best opportunity to switch myself?

52 Ways to Plan Your Career | Career Tips | Career Planning Process | Career Counselor Counselling | Career guidance

B. Your strengths and weaknesses

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis can help you to assess your passion and interest. Areas where you are so good identify the best job opportunity for you.

The SWOT analysis is a tool used in strategic planning and marketing, it audit your career development.

Strengths and weaknesses are used to assess you. These include your skills, knowledge, experience and your motivation. Opportunities and threats are used to evaluate the environment around you, including issues arising in your working environment and industries.

From the SWOT analysis, you need to determine how you can overcome your weaknesses and convert threats into opportunities. For example, you could take a course to develop a particular skill or obtain a professional qualification, or you can work from home in order to cut down travelling time and costs.

C. Action plan

An Action is louder that thousand of words

You need to plan mass actions to groom yourself and grab best opportunity always. Assess your ideas and establish realistic objectives for the year ahead accompanied by an action plan of how you can achieve these.

An action plan should contain:

Goal and objective Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time framed Actions and resources-you need to conduct and apply to achieve your objectives

D. Your CV is Your Face

A CV is not just for applying for a new job. It’s a face to identify you and your qualification as well as skills. Building a CV is an ongoing process. By regularly updating it, you can build your confidence and understand how you can achieve your career goals.

Sections, such as personal profile, skills, and experience, need regular updating. The personal profile summaries who you are and what you want to achieve. The skills section lists your key skills to the specific job you are applying for, as does the experience section. You gradually develop your skills and enrich your experience in your career path. You don’t always notice this but you will realize it while you are updating your CV. Building a CV is good practice, as it forces you to examine yourself and what you are especially good at (areas that make you stand out from others). Therefore, by constantly updating your CV your confidence will be raised.

As a result of this, when you next apply for a job the application will feel a lot easier and you will have a stronger chance of getting the job you want, because you have been constantly reviewing yourself and building up your confidence by updating your CV.

E. Maintain your progress in log file

You should maintain log file to develop possibilities of deep knowledge and command of subject. It’s just 5 minutes a day process to make yourself creative, visionary and improve your quality time.

I wish you best of luck and grab your success


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