Making videos for product or service promotion is in trend and now it’s really free to create with some good trials for 7 days, I will provide you link in the last phase of this article. And I am sure you enjoy this so much.

So let’s first we are talking about video promotion advantage. There are hundreds of advantage, but I can write a few of them.

Video helps your video promotion memorable and gives you quick response. This is the basic key of any promotion that it should be memorable as well as video marketing makes your company more presentable.

Another thing is, video are 79% more effective than other promotion. It  maximizes your message to a targeted audience, more reachable efficient and actionable. If you’re looking for new ways to stand out in today’s competitive online environment, it’s time to explore video marketing.

In the next paragraph, you will learn how to use video to sell your products and services.

How to create a good video to generate more sales?

1.Include logo

You should include your company logo in video to brand recognition

2.Good punch line

Every company has a motto to attract customer and your company need to have punch line which explores your products and services.

3.Single video for a single product

This is a very common thing, do not mixed multi product in a single video, else your message don’t convey anyone for your product


A good promotion video length should be one to two minutes.

5. Tell product story

Tell a story about your product that why your product is remarkable. Is there someone who takes benefits from your company productive. This strategy is more effective in video promotion.

The Process to create video

A. Go to a website where you can create promotional videos (Click here)

B. Make a video

C. Select the appropriate template to create your product video and it’s totally free for 7 days.

D. Difference with free / pro version
Audience need to be view fresh video of particular products ranges every time, I suggest for every single product you should go with separate video.

E. Set Up properly with drag drop option
You can change content / text / graphics according your requirement on website, when you are creating videos.

F. Add Company logo

It is suggestible that put your logo in your video, it will lead to branding your product, specific identification of your company too.

G. Download video

You can download video for future presentation and YouTube uploading.

Process to share your video

A. Just create a google account

If you are having a google account there is an additional benefit to upload video on The website is famous for videos and part of google company. If you are not having a google account, then create a google account first via

B. Go to

Open and login with your google account, on the top you will find upload button.

C. Upload your video
Click on the upload button and upload your video on the website, once your video uploaded, you will get a link of your video after successful upload.

D. Edit video with sound and text
Now the important term is editing your video to reach your audience. For that you should open creator studio and go to your video. You should also put the best products or services keyword which is useful to target your audience. There will be edit video button as you watch in screenshot below

Type your keywords and details here with video after editing video button

E. Link your website or a Facebook page
Here you can put your video and link your website or Facebook page. This link will be redirect users or audience to your Facebook page or website. Which is the ultimate way to target your potential customers.

Share with others / social pages

Now your video is ready to share. You can see share button on YouTube also below your video as you can see below in the screenshot.

That is the process which takes hardly 20 minutes, and this is the best time investment for your business promotion.

Conclusion:Every business need that their promotional activities should give maximize returns. There are many options and you should have choices to make your marketing at its best. Video marketing is one of them.

Related Article: Complete visual content marketing tools (Launching soon)

What strategy are you using? How you define your latest marketing trend? Comment here.

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