Most salespeople think that they’re pretty good at their job. Being confident is part of the salesperson’s character, so none of us want to admit that we’re anything but professionals. But in reality, very few people excel at sales naturally – most of us learn to become great by doing and learning from our mistakes.
Difference between professional salesperson and amateur salesperson
The Professional Salesperson:
Does the heavy-lifting required to be successful such as prospecting, cold-calling, networking. Is “on” seeking new business at seemingly all times.
Goes at least seven touches in the sales process to turn a prospect into a client.
Answers their phone even when it’s inconvenient or “they don’t feel like it”.
Has a consistent selling system tied to daily activity and lead generation
Maps out their plan of attack BEFORE Monday at 8am (proactive vs. reactive).
Tracks EVERYTHING (suspects, prospects, face-to-face meetings, phone calls, close ratio, qualified leads, referrals, connectors).
Has mastered their explanation of services and can deliver it during any “performance” moment.
Calls people back within a 5-minute window which drastically drives up their chances to close.
Has a deep belief and confidence that their products or services can HELP others.
Understands that the person they are selling to is going to buy from someone so WHY NOT ME?.
Follows-up with intentionality vs. saying “just following up with you” (move the needle).
Understands that money changes hands when problems are solved – solve bigger problems and be rewarded in the form of money, love, recognition, referrals
Knows that the sales process is more than just turning a prospect into a client. It SHOULD be about turning a client into a promoter and advocate.
Takes massive action each day which drives up PROBABILITY of a sale.
There unique perspective gives them confidence to CHALLENGE others during the sales process when they face objectives or rejection (don’t get caught in the friend-zone of just agreeing).
The Amateur Salesperson:
Calls prospects or clients back when they “feel like it” or it’s convenient.
See sales calls as an “obligation” rather than OPPORTUNITY to impact.
Doesn’t have a consistent lead gen & selling system tied to DAILY activity.
Isn’t confident in their explanation of services therefore shies away from the performance moment when asked, “What do you do?”.
Doesn’t time block for prospecting calls each day.
Leave the probability of sale to chance with no follow-up system.
Rolls into Monday without a plan and is reactionary (plays defense vs. offense).
Won’t go the distance in the follow-up process (anything less than seven follow-ups).
Hasn’t done their homework for meetings with potential or current clients.
Doesn’t have a planner or way to track results or activity.
Lacks a morning routine to increase productivity and confidence.
Has nothing of real value to offer when they do follow-up.
Lacks a unique or differentiated perspective (is a commodity that says and does what everyone else is saying or doing).
Has to be micromanaged to put in the work — No discipline to the process.
Is a “secret agent” who only stays in the office and cannot self-generate leads.
After knowing the difference between professional and amateur salesperson, let us know the reason why you are still an ametuer at sales:-
You don’t set your goals:- it is the biggest reason behind the dullness of your business. It is long-term essential for your business to success. If you don’t have a path to accomplishing the small things, you’ll never accomplish the big ones.Most people want to achieve their goals, but don’t want to put in the work to do so. The cliche goes, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” But we all know just how few and far between the “tough” really are from those who have a tendency to simply give up.
You think sales is easy:- Everyone thinks sales is an easy way to make a lot of money. Sometimes it’s simple, but it’s almost never easy. Salespeople need to work their assess off to succeed, and just because some of them make it look effortless doesn’t mean anyone can do it.
You talk more than you listen:- This is probably the biggest amateur sales mistake out there. Sales professionals listen intently to their customers, while sales amateurs can’t wait until it’s their turn to talk. Learn this lesson quickly unless you want to look for another career. This also differentiate professional sales and ameatuer sales.
Rest when you’re successful :- it’s ok to celebrate closing a big deal, but don’t stop and bask in your own glory for too long: you need to refill your pipeline constantly to succeed. Always be working on getting more deals into the top of the funnel if you want more out of the bottom.
Let your failures affect you:-Never let your highs get you too high, or your lows get you too low. Rejection and failure is a part of life in sales, so don’t let it affect your performance for too long.
Think all customers are created equal:-Expert salespeople know their time is a precious resource, and don’t waste it with customers who are unqualified or have no intention of doing business. Being able to tell the difference between prospects will make the difference between amateur and pro.
Don’t focus on adding value:- As a salesperson, your only goal is to add value for your customer. Amateur salespeople focus on convincing, instead of helping. Once you’ve made the paradigm shift in your mind, the world of sales will open up to you. Add value, and stop being an amateur.
Solution for above problems:-
Not all salespeople are professionals. Being a professional implies a level of ability that not everyone can claim, combined with a certain attitude and behavior. On the other hand, being a professional has nothing to do with what you sell or who you sell it to. Here are some of the attributes that professional salespeople share.
Continuous self improvement:- bring improvement in your business. Change your way of sales. Try to becoming act like a professional in your business field. You should also focus of peoples working under your i.e. your employees. Sales professional is someone who invests in his knowledge, who read magazines, web portal etc. business is their first priorirty. They focus on their business.
You will feel worthy, valuable to your customers, colleagues, and you will build that feeling inside of you that you are valuable part of your environment.
You will start loving your job because success will come, first in small steps, but more and more day by day it will grow. Your customers will start seeing you as a knowledgeable person, your colleagues will see you with different eyes, and you will realize that all of that is important, but most important are feelings inside of you that start building – good feelings about yourself.
And you will start feeling that you are helping others – your colleagues to be better, your customers to find the best solution, and by helping them you are actually helping yourself to become a more valuable member of the community.
Natural order of things is in doing your best at what you do best, and the rewards will follow inevitable.
Remember this – you can’t fail how hard you try it. Try these tips. It will give you the best results. For more such articles please suscribe
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