It is human tendency to make mistakes. We cannot be successful without making mistakes. Here are the Some biggest sales mistakes you can avoid. Avoid mistakes is one of the reasons behind the success of anything. Try to avoid these mistakes.

1.Pitching Products Without Understanding Customer Needs

When you focus on selling your product instead of knowing the needs of your customers. It is the biggest mistake that must be avoid. You should focus on your customer. Focusing on your customers will increase your sales. Sales skill are not a gift of birth. They have learned a skill that anyone can master with a little study and work. You should be comfortable while talking with your customers.

2. Being too aggressive

You should not be aggressive towards your customers. It makes a bad reputation for your company. You should be very polite and gentle.
In your business don’t be the one your customers are trying to get away from.
To avoid this let your customers know that you are available for questions and then back off. Let them browse in peace and make a decision in private.

3. Not showing confidence

There is the difference between being confident and being pushy. Learn it and use it to your advantage.
Confident salesman believes in their product or service and knows that it will help their customers. Pushy people don’t believe in the product they want the sale.

To avoid this learn as much as you can about your customer base, your product or service and how it will help them. The more knowledgeable you are about the product and the more you believe in it, better chances you will have at closing the deal.

You should have better communication skills. this shows that you pay more attention to your customers rather than selling your products or services.

4. Getting off topic

While you want to get your customers trust, you don’t want to get so far off topic that you run out of time to make a sale. It’s great to know your customers, but try to stick to solving their problem rather than learning their entire life story.

To avoid this, keep the end goals in mind. Introduce yourself, be friendly and start listening to the customers. Remember, you are trying to find a solution, not make a lifelong friend.

5. Forgetting to follow up

Oftentimes, people may need a few days to think over before committing to your
product or service. That’s OK, as not all sales made in that day.

To avoid this, send an email or make a phone call to your potential customer within two days of meeting with them. Keep it short and sweet by thanking them for their time. letting them know they can contact you with any further questions.

6. Talking so much and not listening enough

Most people think that you have to be a good talker to persuade others. A typical “good talker” thinks that he can tell the customer enough about the product that he will buy it. But the truth is the opposite. When you’re talking, you’re only telling what you already know.

You’re learning little about the buyer. Ask questions, and you discover what your potential clients want to own.
A salesperson who has trained to ask questions leads the buyer down the path to the sale. He doesn’t push him down that path. hen, you can start selling them on the benefits of your product.

7. Using words that kill sales

In any presentation you make, your words paint pictures. And a few wrong words pictures can ruin the entire portrait you’re trying to paint. Be very careful with your words.
By using the wrong words, salespeople create negative pictures in the minds of the people they strive to serve , giving them more reasons not to go ahead than to get involved.

8. Neglecting to keep in touch

Most people who switch from your product, service, or idea to another do so because you’re being apathetic and someone else is paying them more attention.

Someone else is keeping in contact on a regular basis and making them feel important.

When all it takes is a bit of regular contact to keep people doing business with you, why would you ever get so lazy on let them go?

All you need to do is schedule two or three quick phone calls to say, “Hi, this is (name) from (Company’s Name). I’m calling to see if you’re still enjoying the increased productivity and cost savings with your new software. If all is well, I won’t keep you. I just wanted to touch base with you and thank you once again for your business.” These words take about 12 seconds to say, and that 12‐second investment is well worth it if it keeps a client happy.

9. Not knowing how to close the sale

Often, all you have to do to close the sale is ask. If a customer asks, “Do you have it in red?” and you say, “I do have a red one,” what do you gain? Nothing.

Why not ask this instead:

If I have the red one, do you want to take it with you today, or must I ship it?

Or this:

Let me check on our color selection. By the way, would you like it gift‐wrapped?
In other words, ask a question that moves the prospect into a position of having to make an either/or decision about ownership.


By keeping all these things in mind, you will able to notice the change in your business. Success will surely come to you. Be positive and try to avoid these mistakes. For more such suscribe

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