It doesn’t matter how good your product is. It doesn’t matter how smart your marketing is. It doesn’t matter how personable and knowledgeable you are. If you can’t close the deal, your company is a waste of time and energy.
If you are a company owner and you cannot identify an effective sales strategy from a poor technique, then you will not be in business for very long. A second-rate sales professional can harm your company’s reputation. They are the ones on the front lines representing your company and interacting in important deals with your customers.
In this article you will come to know about the most important elements of sales:-
Sales professionals should not confuse determination for being a pest.
The question will arise in your mind that what is pestering?
This is a simple thing. Pestering means that you are contacting a client with no new information and without the client asking to be called back. So if you are calling a client to try and get a sale with the same information that has been rejecting several times before, then you are pestering your client. If your client is in a buying mood but has not requested that you call back every day until they cut a buy order, then you are being a pest.
If the client invites you to call them back, then you are doing your job and not being a pest.
What is Determination in Sales?
The determination a sales professional shows towards a client is a strong need to supply the customer with the information they need to make a buying decision. That could mean that you have to go back and present new information to a client who has already rejected you, but that is all part of being a determined sales professional.
A quality sales professional is also determined to stay up to date on all product information and committed to learning new sales methodologies. You are intent to know everything there is to know about your product and the competitors’ products as well. Information is always the best sales tool available.
If you do not understand what your client wants and needs, then you cannot sell to that client. You have to ask questions, listen for the answers, and then use that information to create a winning pitch.
While many elements of your pitch are rehearsed, you are still creating a customized pitch for every customer you talk to. There should be a relation of understanding between you and your customers.
Successful sales are based on the personal feelings and needs of each individual customer. If you want to sell a product to a customer that will result in referrals from that customer and glowing reviews, then you have to understand what the customer wants. In order to do that, you have to include your customer in the sales process by asking questions and using that information to craft the ideal pitch.
Problem Solving
Salespeople are problem solvers. Your customer has a problem and you use your product to solve that problem. That is the core of the sales process. Upselling and all of the other parts of revenue generation are only effective when you have solved the customer’s problems.
Always remember that the customer is going to be hesitant to tell you the real problems you need to solve, and there will often be more than one problem. Your customer needs a new business suit for upcoming job interviews but also has a limited budget. Not only do you have to solve the problem of needing a good interview suit, but you also have to worry about price. If you ignore the budget problem, then you won’t make the sale.
Do uncover customer problems, but avoid stating them back to your customer. A common technique used by sales professionals is to say something such as “I’m hearing that you need a business suit, but your budget is limited.” Don’t do that. Once you know the problems, just set about solving them and getting the customer what they need.
Emotional Leverage
The honest truth is that emotional leverage is extremely dangerous when used improperly. Emotional leverage is:
Getting information from the customer that can be used to create an emotional desire for the product.
Getting the customer to trust you.
Using the information and your status as a trusted advisor to make the sale.
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