Internet playing role of world’s biggest library you can findout anything anytime .Navigating any large library is nearly impossible without the help of a skilled librarian. It fact, it would almost seem ludicrous to try and research any immense topic without professional help. However, the largest library of them all – the internet – doesn’t come with any kind of internet librarian. This becomes a massive problem when attempting to research a topic such as cancer.

An enormous amount of information regarding cancer topics can be found on the internet. The problem is that narrowing down these topics is entirely frustrating. Conflicting views, technical terms, miscellaneous information – all of these things easily become overwhelming. Even those that know a lot about cancer can quickly become confused while conducting internet cancer research. This is precisely why has created the first MAP (Mission Adaptive Plan) for cancer research on the internet.

EXT’s MAP was devised for use by the network. The MAP consists of an easy-to-use navigational system that will help all cancer patients and advocates find all of the information that they need on the web. Through the testimonies of real life experiences, various social support networks, numerous public resources, and a number of personal stories from those that have battled cancer before, the internet will no longer be a confusing place for those seeking reputable cancer resources.

The MAP helps all those touched by cancer through the various steps necessary in order to beat this disease. Learning how to accept the disease; understand cancer nutrition; balance medical finances; share wisdom; efficiently research cancer; and take the steps necessary to increase overall well-being is a large part of the cancer fight. All of these things (and more) are part of the inclusive MAP system.

Through the help of the MAP system along with, cancer patients, volunteers, advocates, and family members can finally have a place to connect, share, and learn about all types of cancer. is a comprehensive website that includes a helpful cancer survival network for patients, advocates, and volunteers; various cancer related resources; and the MAP system. A large part of beating cancer is knowing as much as possible about the disease itself. This knowledge can be easily gained with the help of information, research, and the advice of those that have been there before.

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